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About Us

With the progresses in India and Japan bilateral cooperation in Science and Technology, there have been growing opportunities lately for Indian researchers to work in Japanese scientific and technological research organizations and universities. In this rapidly changing scenario, we felt the need of forming an association such as the Indian Scientist Association in Japan (ISAJ: pronounced as Ai-Saj) which would provide an organizational framework to promote greater interaction between Indian researchers based in Japan, as well as Indian and Japanese researchers, for the development and strengthening of research networks. At the same time, to provide an information portal for the advantage of Indian researchers on science and technology news, events, funding opportunities, and every nuance of research system in Japan. Besides the Indian researchers’ community can share their experiences about culture and way of life in Japan through this forum for the advantage of potential researchers in India who are planning to pursue their academic/research career in Japan. This would also provide avenues for the Indian researchers to flash their academic profile and research achievements through the ISAJ portal for wider awareness of the expertise in their respective field of research. Periodically, ISAJ will bestow awards and honors on the Indian and Japanese scientists in recognition of contribution made to the advancement of our knowledge through their pioneering Japan-India collaborative research work. Occasionally, ISAJ will also hold meetings, symposia, conference to disseminate information about the research activities carried out by the Indian researchers based in Japan and to promote communication among Japanese and Indian researchers that would benefit India-Japan S&T collaboration. ISAJ would also help to build a bridge between Japanese and Indian research organizations to undertake collaborative research projects mutually beneficial to both the countries.

ISAJ is registered as a Japanese non-profit organization (NPO) under Japan's NPO law. Tsukuba has been decided to be ISAJ's headquarter. The Executive Body is ISAJ's governing body and is responsible for directing the affairs and determining the future of the Society. The Executive Body will appoint some of the Executive Body members to take responsibilities such as the Chapter Presidents of six different regions in Japan (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Tokyo, Tsukuba, Fukuoka, and Osaka). Election for the Office bearers (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Assistant Secretary, Chief-Editor, Associate-Editor, and Treasurer) will be held biennially and all the members of the society can take part in election process.